We are proud to share our Elite Health Screening which offers a complete wellness and cancer blood screening package for men.
This screenning package allows our patients to receive the blood test from the comforts of their own home without the need to come to a medical centre to provide the samples.
The tests that are included for this package are:
Full Blood Count
Blood Grouping Test
Lipid Profile
Renal Profile
Liver Function
High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (Inflamation)
Homocysteine (cardiovascular & stroke)
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Rheumatoid Arthritis Test
Blood Glucose Levels
Urine FEME
Hepatitis B
Iron levels
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone levels test
Free T4
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colorectal Cancer tumor marker)
CA-199 (Pancreatic Tumor Markers)
Prostate-Specific Antigen
Rapid Plasma Reagin
This package includes:
Sample Collection by professional Sunway Home Healthcare Nurse
Sample Collection Kit
Doctor teleconsultation to interpret the test results
This package does not include:
Any supplementary consumables necessary for the procedure, in case the provided kits or consumables are not accepted or need to be replaced.
Terms & Condition:
This package is currently only available in Klang Valley
Additional surcharge will be incurred for locations beyond 20KM radius from Bandar Sunway.
Our trained nurses may suggest additional procedures if additional conditions are discovered during the visit.
Appointments on Sundays or public holidays will have additional RM 100 surchage.
Upon booking, you will be contacted within 24 hours by our team to confirm your preferred date and time. Your appointment is only then confirmed. For more urgent request kindly Call or Whatsapp 019-216 6477